Sunday, April 21, 2013

Welcome, LumberJocks

A woodworker/participant on the website reached out to me, by e-mail.

I asked him to let the other LumberJocks -- a former family of mine -- know about my blog.  Looks like at least one, so far, has stopped by :-)

To the LumberJocks who DO visit: I welcome you.  I miss you.  I thank you for your constant support and encouragement, both during my formative year(s) as a woodworker, and -- maybe more importantly -- when life turned on me so viciously, dismantling me brick by brick until I had no place to go and nothing to do but ... leave the country.

Until I get rid of my shop (I haven't.  It's all in storage), I still call myself a woodworker.  Whether or not I'll ever be able to get back into it ... I can't say.

But sawdust ... got into my bloodstream.

I miss my craft.  I miss my shop.  I miss my LumberJock buddies.

All y'all :-)


  1. Well, as long as you keep posting, will check it out. ;)

  2. You were one of the first LJers to welcome me.. so you'll always be be part of my woodworking family!

  3. Woodworking will never be too far from your hands as a full blown shop is a mere luxury, not necessity. Enjoy this journey my friend. We miss you too buddy. Be well.

  4. Hi, it's Robb from LJ. I had not seen any of your earlier posts about what you've been going through. Wow. I shan't complain about anything for a while.

    I'm glad your travels are going well. I'm going to bookmark your blog, and follow along. I pray you land in a happy place.

  5. Thanks so much, all.

    I'll look forward to seeing you around here, now and again :-)
